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股票配资平台 0118 Crevan Island|Old Money偏爱的威尼斯私人岛屿
发布日期:2024-10-21 23:37    点击次数:129

股票配资平台 0118 Crevan Island|Old Money偏爱的威尼斯私人岛屿


关注「岛鸣国际 - GLOBAL DOMAIN」


如果你热爱意大利的文化氛围,且沉醉于威尼斯的独特浪漫,那么本期推荐的Crevan Island无疑是你的理想之选。

If you cherish the cultural ambiance of Italy and are captivated by the unique romance of Venice, then this edition's recommendation of Crevan Island is undoubtedly your ideal choice.

Crevan Island坐落在威尼斯东北部7.5公里处,与圣伊拉斯莫岛北部的布拉诺运河和克雷文运河相连,方便通达泻湖内的主要景点如布拉诺、穆拉诺和托尔切洛岛。岛上不仅可以欣赏威尼斯泻湖的全景,还拥有私人码头和直升机停机坪,既享有便捷交通,又具备极高的私密性。

Located just 7.5 km northeast of Venice, Crevan Island sits at the intersection of the Burano and Crevan canals near Sant'Erasmo Island. It offers easy access to major attractions within the lagoon, including Burano, Murano, and Torcello. The island provides breathtaking panoramic views of the Venetian Lagoon and features a private dock and a helicopter landing pad, combining convenient transportation with the utmost privacy.


Spanning approximately 5,500 square meters, the island is adorned with lush gardens and orchards, surrounded by canals and sandbanks, creating a tranquil retreat ideal for those seeking seclusion.

Crevan Island的历史可追溯到1806年法国统治时期,最早作为威尼斯泻湖北部的军事防御据点。1832年至1842年间,岛上建起了堡垒,后由奥地利人扩建,并于1866年归属意大利。20世纪中期,军事设施被改建为私人住宅,最终成为一个独特的度假胜地。近代,潘托家族接手该岛,并对其进行了全面修复,使堡垒焕然一新。

Crevan Island’s history dates back to 1806 during French rule, when it was first established as a military outpost defending the northern shores of the Venetian Lagoon. Between 1832 and 1842, a fort was constructed on the island, later expanded by the Austrians, and ultimately ceded to Italy in 1866. In the mid-20th century, the military structures were converted into private residences, transforming the island into a unique holiday destination. In recent years, the Panto family acquired the island and conducted a comprehensive restoration, breathing new life into its historic fortress.


The restored 19th-century Napoleonic fort is the island’s primary structure, covering roughly 170 square meters. While preserving its historical integrity, the interiors have been modernized. The spacious living room boasts large windows that offer stunning views of the lagoon. The kitchen is equipped with high-end appliances and marble countertops, blending simplicity with functionality for both daily use and entertaining. An adjacent dining room follows an open-concept layout, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. The bedrooms are designed with privacy and comfort in mind; the master bedroom includes a walk-in closet and an ensuite bathroom with modern shower facilities, combining elegance with practicality.


The island is well-equipped with essential utilities, including electricity, water, heating, and air conditioning, ensuring a comfortable living environment. Additionally, the island features an internal canal and a private dock, providing ample space for boat mooring. The dock is home to a historic 1898 tugboat, adding a unique charm to the island.

凭借其优越的地理位置和悠久的历史,Crevan Island不仅是一个宁静的私人度假胜地,还具备开发成精品度假酒店的潜力。对于投资者而言,这座岛屿的独特位置、完善设施和高私密性,使其成为理想的高端度假投资选择。

With its prime location and rich history, Crevan Island is not only a tranquil private retreat but also holds potential for development into a boutique resort. Its unique position, comprehensive facilities, and high level of privacy make it an ideal choice for investors seeking high-end vacation investments.

Crevan Island是永久产权私人岛屿,目前正在出售中,欢迎私信询价(微信号:GD-Karen)。

Crevan Island is a freehold private island, currently available for sale. For inquiries, please contact us directly (WeChat: GD-Karen).


Thanks for your time. Until next time!



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Global Domain 「岛鸣国际」是私人岛屿生活方式的倡导者,致力于提供全球范围内真实有效的私人岛屿销售信息及配套服务。在后疫情和地缘政治冲突风险加大的新时代背景下,为高净值人群对资金安全和人身安全的双重需求提出创新性的解决方案。

